You must have an account at (registration is free at ).(If you are below the age of 18 or a minor in your state of residence, then you must have your parent/legal guardian's permission to enter and participate.)

Be sure to check the official EVGA Gaming blog to see the full list of servers available and read some great articles from team EVGA! Please don't forget to keep enjoying our servers after the event ends! After that, all you have to do is log in and play anytime during Decem4:00 PM Pacific to Decem11:59:59 PM Pacific. Sign up on this page with either your Steam ID, BF4 soldier name, Killing Floor 2 in-game name, or all three if you feel like it. Qualifying for the event is very easy if you follow these simple steps. We have lots of prizes to give away, so don't miss out on this awesome opportunity to play great games and win some quality products! When you sign up for the Frosty The Fragger Gaming Event and log into our servers between Decemand December 30, 2016, you'll qualify for some really great prizes - all just for playing! Signing up is completely free and easy for anyone, regardless of where you live. There are quite a few games for you to choose from, like Battlefield 4, Team Fortress 2, and many others! All of this isn't only for fun and games, though. Join in on the action and win great prizes provided by EVGA and Intel. The holidays are upon us and Frosty The Fragger is out to show his skills on the battlefield! Load your weapons, collect your health packs: It's time to give it your all in EVGA's Frosty The Fragger Gaming Event.