Gradius gaiden longplay
Gradius gaiden longplay


It was included in the Gradius III and IV compilation for the PlayStation 2 in 2000 and as a part of Gradius Collection for the PlayStation Portable in 2006. Gradius IV never received a direct home port of its arcade version. Score recording was disabled approximately a year after its arcade brethren. This was similarly done for the Gradius III and IV console release.

gradius gaiden longplay

This was only available in Japan, and was discontinued on August 27 of 1999. This password, which was hashed scoring information, could be uploaded to a Konami website. After a player's game was over, a password was presented. Starting a tradition that is continued in Gradius V, this game introduced an online-ranking system. The laser is the twin laser seen in Gradius III. The double mode is the tailgun, seen in other configurations.

  • Configuration 6: The missile mode is the flying torpedo, which produces two missiles that fly forward in front of the ship.
  • The laser mode is a thin armor-piercing round that can penetrate multiple enemies. The double mode is the standard 45-degree angle split. After a short delay, the mines explode, yielding a large explosion.
  • Configuration: The missile mode is a vertical mine that is released above and below the ship.
  • gradius gaiden longplay gradius gaiden longplay

    The two new configurations are as follows: In this game there are a total of six configurations, the first four of which are migrated from Gradius II: Gofer's Ambition. The seventh powerup category was the one that was labeled "!" and would produce detrimental results, such as reducing the speed or eliminating the weapons of the ship. First of all, the edit mode has been completely eliminated, as are the "Snake Option" (s.option), the "Reduce" shield type, and the seventh powerup category. However, several changes were made on the weapons system in the transition from Gradius III. The core gameplay of Gradius IV remains relatively unchanged.

    Gradius gaiden longplay